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2024 African Caucus Meeting “Facilitating Intra African Trade: Catalyst for Sustainable Development in Africa”.

08:30 – 17:30 Arrival and Registration
16:00 – 19:00 Private Sector Day (Venue – Congress Hall, Transcorp Hilton Hotel)

·      Mr. Sergio Pimenta, IFC VP: Unlocking access to private sector financing for startups and digital technology

Q&A session to be moderated by Ayanda Dlodlo – Executive Director AFG3 World Bank Group


–       Mr. Cornelius Karlens Dekop Minister of Finance, Botswana

–       Abderrahim Bouazza Central Bank of Morocco

–       Mr. Ncebisi Jonas, MTN Chairman

–       Jean Lobe Lobe Waspito

–       Ismael Belkhayat Chari


·      Muhamet Bamba Fall –MIGA DIRECTOR: Guarantee as a veritable source of financing in Africa.

Q&A session to be moderated by Dr. Floribert NgarukoExecutive Director Africa Group 2 Constituency, WBG


19:00 – 21:00 Cocktail Reception –Transcorp Hilton Hotel, Abuja
08:00 – 09:00 Continued Registration / Seating of Guests
09:00 – 09:50 Opening Ceremony:

–       Short Documentary on Nigeria

–       National Anthem (By NSCDC Band)

–       Welcome remarks by Chair of the African Caucus – H.E. Wale Edun, Minister of Finance and Coordinating Minister of Finance, Nigeria.

–       Goodwill Message: Olayemi Cardoso– Governor, CBN (5 Minutes)

Goodwill Message from the AU: H.E. Ambassador Albert Muchanga, AU Commissioner for Economic Development, Trade, Tourism, Industry and Minerals (5 Minutes)

–       Goodwill message from Dr. Ngozi Okojo-Iweala, Director General World Trade Organization (WTO)

–       Introductory Remark I: Amina J. Muhammed -Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations (4 Minutes)

–       Introductory Remark II: Hon. Patrick Achi – Former Prime Minister of Cote D’Ivoire (4 Minutes)

Introductory Remark III: Dr. Eduard Ngirente – Prime Minister of Rwanda (4 Minutes)

–       Keynote Address by: Lord Boateng(On the 2024 Caucus Overarching Theme) – 4 Minutes

–       Cultural Troupe (5 Minutes)

–       Opening Speech –By His Excellency the President of Federal Republic of Nigeria or representative.

09:50 – 10:00 Group Photo Governors and Tea Break
10:00 –10: 40 Presentation by Mr. Abebe Selassie – Director of the African Department/IMF.

Presentation by VP Ousmane Diagana -WBG Strategy for Regional Integration in Africa.


–       Renganaden Padayachy – Minister of Finance, Mauritius

–       Ernest Addison – Governor, Central Bank of Ghana

–       Mohammed Sani Abdullahi – Deputy Governor, Economic Policy Directorate, Central Bank of Nigeria

Discussion by All Governors

10:40 – 11:40




Session 1: Strengthening Pan African Payment Ecosystems for Integrated Development 

·      Presenter (5 MINUTES): John Sebabi – Pan-African Payment and Settlement System (PAPSS)

·      Moderator: Momodou Bamba Saho – Director General, West African Monitory Agency


·      Panelists:

i.         Mr. Nati Kasaija – Minister of Finance, Uganda

ii.         Prof. Chukwuma Soludo – Governor of Anambra State, Nigeria

iii.         Mr. Philip Ikeazor – Deputy Governor Financial System Stability Directorate, Central Bank of Nigeria

iv.         Mahmoud Mohieldin, Executive Director, IMF

v.         Gbenga Agboola – CEO/Founder Flutterwave


•           Discussion: All Governors.



Session 2:Trade Facilitation and Regional Integration in Africa

Presenter:WamkeleKeabetsweMene – Secretary-General of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA)

Moderator: Maupe Ogun Yusuf – Producer/Anchor Channels Television


i.         Dr. Doris Uzoka- Anite – Honourable Minister of Industry, Trade and Investment, Nigeria.

ii.         Mr.Navid Hanif – Assistant Secretary General, UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs

iii.         Mr. Ashor Nick Sarupen- Deputy Finance Minister of South-Africa

iv.         Mr. Sergio PimentaIFC Regional Vice President

v.         Discussion: All Governors.

12:40 – 14:00 Lunch Break / Jumaat Prayers
14:00 – 15:00


Session 3: Infrastructure, Energy Access and Connectivity – Creating an Enabling Environment for Economic Growth.

Presenter: Victoria Kwakwa – WBG VP East and South Africa

Moderator: Iyabo Masha–Director, Inter Governmental Group of Twenty-Four G24

Video – (Nigeria to present a short video of a successful pilot that can be replicated for either improved energy access in Africa or Value Chain Development for Economic Transformation (10 Minutes)



i.         Mr. Navid Hanif – Assistant Secretary General, UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs

ii.         Ayanda Dlodlo: Executive Director AFG3 World Bank Group

iii.         Ms. Olu Verheijen– Nigeria President Special Adviser on Energy;

iv.         Mr. Abdulkadir Nazif – Ag. General Secretary, West African Power Pool (WAPP)

v.         H.E Dr. Rania Al Mashat– Minister for International Cooperation, Egypt

i.         Discussion: All Governors


15:00 – 16:00 Session 4: Mission 300

Presenter: Damilola Ogunbiyi – CEO and Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General (UN SRSG) for Sustainable Energy for All, and Co-Chair of UN-Energy;

Brief by: Mr. Wale Edun –  Honourable Minister of Finance and Coordinating Minister of the Economy, Nigeria 

Moderator:  Chisom Okechukwu


·      Chief Adebayo Adelabu -Minister of Power, Nigeria

·      Adama Coulibaly – Minister of Finance Cote d’Ivoire

·      Situmbeko Musokotwane – Minister of Finance, Zambia

Messages of Commitment and Support:

·      Kevin Kariuki – AfDB Vice President for Power Energy Climate and Green Growth.

·      Ousmane Diagana – Vice President Africa West and Central, World Bank

·       Victoria Kwakwa – Vice President Africa East and South, World Bank

·      Mrs. Gbemisola AdeloworeAfrican Finance Director, SAP

·      Discussion: All Governors

16:00 – 16:15 Tea / Coffee Break
16:15 – 17:15 Session5: Digitalization in Africa and its Impact on DevelopmentTransformation


·      Presenter:Dr. Amando Manuel – Chair, Angolan Sovereign Wealth Fund and former Minister of Finance, Angola


·      Moderator:Willie Nakunyada-Executive Director


·      Panelists:

i.         Dr. ‘Bosun Tijani– Minister of Communications, Innovation and Digital Economy; Nigeria

ii.         Mercy Tembon –Vice President and Corporate Secretary

iii.         Dr. James A. Garang -Governor of Central Bank of South Sudan

iv.         Mr. Ncebisi Jonas, MTN Chairman


19:00 – 21:00 Official Dinner Hosted by the Government of the Federal Republic of Nigeria (Transcorp Hilton)
09:00 – 10:00


Session 6: Leveraging on Partnership with MDBs

Presenter: Dr. Hanan Morsy-Deputy Executive Secretary and Chief Economist, UN Economic Commission for Africa (UNECCA)

Moderator: • Dr. Simeon Ehui – Director General of the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), and Regional Director of the Consultative Group for Agricultural Research (CGIAR) HQ in Ibadan, Nigeria.


i.               Dr. Olavo Avelino Garcia CORREIA – Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance in Cabo Verde.

ii.             Prof. Mthuli Ncube, Minister of Finance, Zimbabwe and Former Chief Economist and Vice President of the African Development Bank (AfDB)

iii.            Renganaden Padayachy – Minister of Finance, Mauritius

iv.            Mohammed Sani Abdullahi – Deputy Governor of Economic Policy Directorate, Central Bank of Nigeria

v.              Mr. Samaila Zubairu – CEO Africa Finance Corporation

Discussion: All Governors.


10:00 – 11:00












10:00 – 11:00

Session 7Discussion on IDA21 Replenishment (Catalyzing Transparent Change)


  1. Keith Hansen –WBG Country Director, Kenya

ii.         Mr.Sheku Seesay – IDA Independent Co-Chair

Moderator: Abdoul Salam Bello – Executive Director AfG2


i.         Mr. Sheku Ahmed Fantamadi Bangura -Honourable Minister of Finance Sierra Leone

ii.         Alamine Ousmane Mey– Minister of Economy, Planning and Regional Development, Cameroon,

iii.         Abubakar Atiku Bagudu – Honourable Minister of Budget and Economic Planning, Nigeria

iv.         Alphonse Kouagou -IDA Borrower Representative for Africa Group II.

v.         Albert G. Zeufack: Country Director for Angola, Burundi, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and Sao Tome and Principe, Africa

vi.         Mr. Zarau Wendeline Kibwe; AED

Discussion: Q&A by all Governors.

11:00 – 11:30 ·      Tea / Coffee Break
11:30 – 12:30 ·      Roundtable with Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations on Financing For Development (FFD)….Restricted
12:45 – 14:30 Lunch Break – venue
14:30 – 16:30 Session 8: The Caucus Meeting (Restricted to Governors, ED offices ONLY)

Moderator: By the Host Governor

  • Review of the Draft 2024 African Caucus Memorandum

·      Finalization and Adoption of the Abuja Declaration – Governors

16:30 – 16:45 ·      Tea / Coffee Break
16:45 – 17:30 Closing

·      Proclamation of the Abuja Declarationby Permanent Secretary Federal Ministry of Finance, Mrs. Lydia Jafiya

·      Expression of Gratitude by Dr. James A. Garang, Governor of Central Bank of South Sudan

·      Concluding Remarks by the African Caucus Chairperson, H.E.Wale Edun